With Wordpress being one of the most powerful marketing tools available on the internet, it will be beneficial to have SEO Capability. The following tips will make your Wordpress Marketing blog SEO capable.
1. Permalinks When using Wordpress use permalinks for your site. Wordpress software contains URL's that contain question marks and numbers. These links make it difficult for a search engine web crawler to read them. Because of this your website will not be indexed very fast. However, within Wordpress you can create a custom URL for permalinks and your archives. You can change this within the Admin panel. Just choose the options panel and click permalinks.
2. Titles: Within the permalinks section of the Wordpress marketing software there is the option of name and date based titles. This will place the year, monthe date and the title of the post into the URL. The SEO webcrawlers will crawl your site better if your site name is in this URL. Instead of using the default URL, you should choose a custom URL that will make the name of your site appear first in the URL
3. Tags: From an SEO standpoint, tags are a great addition. Tags allow the search engine webcrawlers to crawl through your site easier and it will allow you to create a specific page for your keywords and tags. Another option is to install the Ultimate Tag Warrior for your Wordpress site.
4. Page Titles: Good titles are essential for all of your website pages. Similar to putting your site name in the beginning of URL, your page titles need to do the same thing.
5. Post Titles: The post titles that you have chosen should be written clearly. Do not cram a bunch of keywords into the titles. Choose keywords selectively and use those words in the post title.
6. Autolinks: Make sure to cross link your pages and posts in your content. This is done by linking keywords to a relevant post.
7. Relevant Posts: Under all of your postings, you should post a link to any related posts.
8. Ping Services: Wordpress blog can notify other sites when you have updated your blog with a new post or page. This is a very important step.
9. Google Sitemaps: A tool from Google can be used. It is called a sitemap. This tool can help you get your site indexed and it will allow you to let Google which pages on your site are most important.
10. Categories: Categories can help you organize the content on your site. If you have turned on the permalinks, your categories will appear in the URL for your site. This is why it is especially important to name your categories carefully. Try to use keywords as your category names and don't be afraid to use a bunch of categoreies. When using Wordpress you have the ability to use sub-categories so make as many as you can. This way you can narrow down to certain keyword phrases. Using these steps can help you create a great SEO ready Wordpress site.
About dao² web design Phnom Penh
Thank you for reading this blog post. dao² is a website design and software development company located in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Please feel free to contact dao² web design Phnom Penh regarding our website design, SEO, hosting or software development services.