To promote your website and get it ranking higher you need to build backlinks to your website. However, this can be a long and tedious task and surely there must be a better way to get links that asking for them.
Normally with link building you find other websites within your niche, review the site to see if it is one that you want linking to your site and then contact the site owner. You ask them if you can exchange links so that you can have a link on their site pointing back to yours.
There are other ways to build links than to offer link exchanges and it is actually much easier to build backlinks and increase your sites popularity without sending out requests.
Here is a system to build backlinks to your site.
1. Join a forum within your niche and actively participate in the forum. There are two ways that you can use a forum membership. Firstly you build up a relationship with others in the forum and if the members of the forum have websites they may decide that they want to add a link to your site on their website, particularly if your website is good quality. The other way to use a forum is to include a link in your signature so each time that you make a post on the forum you are getting a new backlink.
2. Have a statement on your website that you need backlinks. Have a contact form where people can leave their details if they want to do a link exchange with you. This way you are not researching and finding people to exchange links with but they will find you through your website.
3. Publish a regular newsletter and within the newsletter have a statement like: "If you enjoy our newsletter then please include a link to our website on your site so other can enjoy it too". Remember to include the link to your site for them to use. You can also use your newsletter to advertise for link exchanges.
4. Do some article marketing. With article marketing you write articles relating to your niche and submit those articles to article directories. Each time you submit an article you include a link to your site so you gain new backlinks with each article submission. You will find that sometimes other websites will publish your article on their site including the link to your site giving you even more backlinks.
5. Have a good quality site that has good and informative content. If you have good quality content on your site you will be favored by the search engines and people will find your site. When people find your site they will see your message about link exchanges.
6. Submit your site to award sites and you will be amazed at the response you get, especially when your site has excellent quality content.
Want to boost your website?
Based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, dao² designs responsive websites that rank well in search engines. CONTACT US TODAY for a cutting-edge design that is responsive, fast loading, search engine friendly and compels your clients to take action.