There are several website marketing tools that you can use to promote your website and your business. Many of these are free. You can put your website on Facebook and Twitter to gain visibility and status. The popularity of Twitter has lead many software designers to develop ways to automate Twitter marketing so you can find quite a few free and paid tools that have to do with that.
If you create a free blog on Wordpress or Blogger and write about topics that are relevant to your business, you can then provide a link to your website at the end of each article or in a sidebar. Some tools include software which can automate your blog postings and updates, for example.
You can also do article marketing. Again, write informative articles about your business and submit them to the many article directories. Each article will then link back to your website or blog, creating more backlinks and higher rankings by the search engines. Here is where you can benefit from the many website marketing tools called article submitters. You can do this through a submission site or pay for a software that duplicates your articles, makes the necessary changes to them so that they are not considered the same by the search engines, and so that you don't get penalized, and then submits them to the right article directories. You can advertise your website on the free advertising sites like Craigslist or USFreeAds. There are certain tools that can help you do this automatically as well.
In order to do any of your website marketing, you will need to do keyword research. There are several tools that can assist you here as well. For example, Google, Yahoo, and Bing all have free tools that can help you find the keywords that you should be focusing on in your marketing. If you want to get more details about these keywords, or to find them more quickly, you can then purchase one of the many keyword research marketing tools that are on the market.
Videos are an extremely effective way to market your website today. YouTube is the most popular but there are hundreds of other video sites where you can upload your videos. And you can also use a free video submission tool to submit your videos to all of the sites.
Another of the solid website marketing tools to market your business is the press release. If done correctly, a press release can get you immediate attention, leads and sales. Many online press release sites are free and you can upgrade to get other services like having the release written for you and keyword optimized.
Want to boost your website?
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